Are you sick of your job? Are you longing to pack it in and try something completely different? If you answered 'yes' to either of those questions, you need Training Courses Bristol. They provide accredited training courses for students from all over the South West, and we recently completed their brand new website, making it easier than ever to enrol!
Upon arrival at the new TCB site, you will be presented with a variety of different training options - electrical courses, plumbing courses, and so on. This makes it nice and easy to drill right down to the field in which you're interested. Let's say, for example, that you're looking to become a professional gas engineer; you'd just click 'Gas Courses' on the homepage, select one of TCB's recommended courses, and fill in the contact form to enquire. It could scarcely be simpler!
Training Courses Bristol have helped innumerable people to change careers, and in spite of their name, they're not just for Bristolians - in fact, they cover all of South West England, from Cornwall and Devon to Hereford, Gloucester and beyond. They even have courses that allow experienced tradespeople to widen their skillsets, so whether you're a novice or a professional, we strongly recommend visiting trainingcoursesbristol.co.uk today.
There was a time when people could only access the internet on a PC, but those days are well and truly behind us. In this day and age, the humble desktop computer is just one of many, many different ways in which we can get online, and your customers are now just as likely to see your website on a mobile phone as on a proper computer.
This could well be a problem for you. Just because your company's website looks great and functions perfectly on a PC doesn't mean that it will work just as well on a smartphone; in fact, if the site wasn't made with mobile devices in mind, there's a very strong chance that it will be next to unusable. Smartphone usage is going up every day, so simply ignoring your mobile traffic won't be a viable option for long - you'll either have to find a way to give those visitors a good user experience, or face the fact that you're going to lose them to a competitor who was prepared to make that extra effort.
Once you've decided to make the leap to mobile, there's another big decision to make: do you create an app for your business, or plump for a responsive website that will look good on screens of any size? This is a hotly-debated topic, and we at Designer Websites couldn't resist throwing in our 2p. Here are some pros and cons:
Mobile App
- Stays with the user, remaining on their device after download
- Designed specifically for mobile - no need to change the desktop version of your site
- Can incorporate 'push notifications' to keep the user coming back
- Download required (demands more commitment from the user)
- May be hard to find in the App Store (what does your business share its name with?)
- Your website will still look poor on mobile devices
- No search engine presence
Responsive Website
- Attractive, user-friendly, and consistent across all devices
- SEO-friendly (your business is more likely to appear in search results)
- No download or commitment required from user (unlike apps)
- Less permanent than an app - doesn't stay with the user
- Requires a redesign of your current site
So which is the right choice? To be honest, it depends on your business and what you're trying to achieve. For our part, though, we'd always recommend a responsive site over an app, simply because it ensures that all users are seeing the same information and getting a consistent user experience. Click here to learn more about responsive design, or click here to get a quote for a responsive site of your own.

Hyper Recruitment Solutions is the recruitment business that is co-owned by 2012 Apprentice winner Ricky Martin and business magnate Lord Alan Sugar. HRS specialise in science and technology; they help employers from within these sectors to recruit bright new talent, and they enable talented jobseekers to find rewarding work in such fields as biotechnology, pharmacy, and engineering.
We have been working with Ricky Martin and HRS ever since the business was founded - the company's website, www.hyperec.com, was designed and developed by the team here at Designer Websites. A few weeks ago, Ricky asked us to make his website more mobile-friendly; like many of our clients, he had decided that it was time to go responsive.
The new and improved HRS website is now live, and we hope that Ricky and Lord Sugar are as proud of it as we are. The site is now fully responsive, which means that it displays differently on different-sized screens. This makes it much easier to navigate on smartphones, tablets, and other mobile devices; with more and more people swapping their desktop PCs for iPads and Androids, this is a crucial consideration, and we are confident that the HRS site's many mobile users will be more than satisfied with its new responsive design.
Browse HRS Science Jobs > Get a Web Design Quote >
We're always busy here at DW, but things have been particularly hectic over the past couple of weeks. We've been hard at work on a new, responsive design for the Gadget Inspector website, and we're pleased to announce that it's finally complete!
For the uninitiated, Gadget Inspector is an online gadget store that's been doing roaring trade for the past three years. These self-professed 'gadget enthusiasts' decided that their website was beginning to look a little bit dated, and so they come to us for help - after all, if you're selling cutting-edge gadgetry, you ought to have a cutting-edge website to go with it.
And that's exactly what we've provided: a cutting-edge website that's perfectly-suited to Gadget Inspector's weird and wonderful product range! The company's new site is packed with eye-catching lifestyle images, and each product page is packed with information about the relevant item. Oh, and the fully responsive design means that Gadget Inspector looks great now matter what device you're viewing it on!
We're biased, of course, but we really think that the new and improved gadgetinspector.co.uk is the perfect place to shop for gadgets and gifts (which is pretty handy, given that Christmas is just around the corner!)